
Earth-Sun-Uranus Alignment

Once a year the Sun, as viewed from Earth, creates a perfect alignment with the distant planet Uranus. This annual alignment happens this week, and helps us awaken our powers of creativity.

Uranus is one of the bigger planets of our solar system, and one of the more distant ones. It is so far out in our solar system that it takes Uranus 88 years to complete one cycle around the Sun, (for comparison: Earth’s rotation around the Sun is one year). Due to its slow journey around the Sun, Uranus resides in each astrological realm for seven years! (And for comparison again: the Sun seems to us as moving from one realm to the next every month…) But although Uranus is very distant, so distant it can’t be seen by the naked eye, its astrological affect is strong. Very strong.


(Picture: Uranus card, from Karni Zor’s astrological cards, illustrated by Maya Toby-Raveh)

The God Uranus, after which this planet is named, was the primordial god who, according to  Greek mythology, started all life on Earth. Uranus created people, monsters and other gods. But after a while he did not like what he saw. So he started devouring his own creations. Uranus needed to be stopped by his wife, Gaya (Earth), who hid her children in her belly. Later on, Uranus’s son Chronos (Saturn) imprisoned his father and started to create order in this new chaotic world.

Uranus is the primordial creator, creating new things out of thin air, a free and original spirit, yet very very unpredictable. And this is the very essence this planet represents: the essence of innovation and creativity. It is also a sign for things getting too far out of the box in a way that they can become destructive, but this is Uranus’s lower side. 

The annual conjunction between the Sun and Uranus awakens the creator-god in each one of us. This annual meeting is very positive, as it allows us plenty of innovation and a wave of new things coming in, and out of us. Yet this time of year also holds a warning sign of not getting too radical in ways that make us unsafe.

The annual Earth-Sun-Uranus alignment, which happens this week, is a wonderful time to have new and original ideas and create new things, as long as we are not too radical or careless.

If you already have some new projects cooking, this is a brilliant time to actualize them and bring them to life.

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