
Special Mars Retrogression Forecast till May 20th

Mars astrological card



This forecast demonstrates how Mars’ retrogression affects each astrological tribe till May 20th.

It is recommended to read here more about Mars’ retrogression and its affect upon us. 

And read even more about Mars and how it can be viewed in the skies – here.



The Lake – For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

Mars is now retrograding in your Astrological House of Marriage and Loving Relationships. This means that till May 20th this is the area in which most fights and quarrels will appear. This is the time to really pay attention to your relationship and develop care and patience. Be aware of the way you release your energies so it won’t hurt others and do everything to avoid aggressiveness. This goes to relationships with business partners as well as life-partners.

The Flame – For those Born Between April 13 – May 13

Mars’ retrogression is affecting everything to do with management, maintenance and bureaucracy. Till May 20th it will be difficult to tend to the office’s chores as well as to the house’s duties. Handling little details and everyday practicalities will evoke anger and stress. If you can – postpone managing major projects till the beginning of May. But the ones that need to be dealt with will be a challenge for personal development, as you try to avoid Mars’ traps and deal with things with calmness and maturity.

The Key – For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

Mars is making you behave like a teenager again. You might find yourself wanting to try out extreme sports, putting aside commitments and duties for “fun”, being egocentric and irresponsible. As opposed to other times when giving the love and care to yourself is needed – this is definitely not the time to fall into that trap! This is the time to fight against your whims and stick to your responsibilities in a mature, committed way.

Exchange – For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

Mars is retrograding in your Astrological House of Family, stirring up the waters there. Because of Mars you are more prone to fight and release anger towards your kin. This is the time to develop above Mars’ dark side and act with patience and care, trying to avoid quarrels as much as you can. Mars’ retrogression can also make you self-aggressive during the next few weeks, so pay attention to that and don’t get angry at yourself as well…

Giving – For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

Mars is in its retrogression in your Astrological House of Communication. It inflames fights and angers and the way you talk might come out more aggressive than intended. You will have to work hard at your communication skills with friends, colleagues and clients. Make sure you are well understood and be patient towards other people. Communication needs attention now – or else fights might burn up some needed bridges…

The Swan – For those Born Between August 16 – Sept 15

Mars is in its retrogression in your Astrological House of Finance. This means you should postpone making any major financial and business decisions till May 20th. Fight the tendency to be reckless with your money! During this time try also to avoid any decisions to do with real-estate: this is not the time to sell, buy or move house. Also try to postpone any renovations scheduled for your house.

Abundance – For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

Mars in now retrograding in your astrological realm and will stay there till May 20th. During this time its effect will be comprehensive. You will need to work hard in order to avoid quarrels, fights and aggressiveness. It will not be easy to accomplish chores and achieve your goals. You will have to do what you can in order to stay calm and cool. The good news is that these are great weeks for personal development. Working correctly with Mars during these weeks will make the next retrogressions, and Mars influence upon you, much easier.

Creation – For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

Mars has spent the beginning of its retrogression in your astrological realms. The beginning of March was very difficult because of that. Mars’ visit has enabled you to develop above rage and stress and hopefully you have learned Mars’ lesson. As Mars moves out of your astrological realm life is MUCH easier – there is less stress and there are less quarrels – so Mars’ retrogression, from now onwards (till May 20th) will not be so noticeable.

But Mars’ location now and until May 20th might make you aware of all sorts of fears to do with the ability to do/not to do and fears of violence and aggression. Don’t let these fears paralyze you. This is the time to face these fears, as they reveal the areas still needing development. As they appear, the fears will now be able to leave your sub-conscious and you may be freed from them with the assistance of healing and awareness processes.

But Mars’ location now and till May 20th might make you aware of all sorts of fears to do with the ability to do/not to do and fears of violence and aggression. Don’t let these fears paralyze you. This is the time to face these fears, as they reveal the areas still needing development. As they appear, the fears will now be able to leave your sub-conscious and you might be freed from them with the assistance of healing and awareness processes.

The Gate – For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

Mars is retrograding in your Astrological House of Vocation, a problematic location indeed. Till May 20th Mars will make it difficult to make any advances to do with your vocation. But not only that – it can cause real damage, as it stirs up your life’s purpose with stress and anger. You will have to use a lot of stamina and development in order not to let Mars’ darker side take control of you. This is NOT the time to get angry or stressed, although you’re prone to that. Quarrels with colleagues, or worse – clients – can cause real damage to the long journey you have taken till now. Put aside ambitions and try to be as calm and kind as possible. And remember: it is better not to do anything rather than to make mistakes at this time.

The Dolphin – For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

Mars is retrograding now in your Astrological House of Work & Career. Its location raises the amount of stress and pressure at work in a way that might be paralyzing. You will have to continue doing what is needed at work, taking into account you might not accomplish all the chores, but doing the best you can. Try to be less ambitious and try to avoid quarrels and fights in your work place.

The Diamond – For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

Till May 20th you have to be very careful using any means of transportation. Drive slowly and responsibly and try to avoid travelling as much as possible.

Mars’ retrogression will make your energy very dispersed. It will be difficult to maintain focus and stick to practicality, and yet you will have to do all you can to continue accomplishing the different chores.

Students might feel extra pressure at school – so don’t be too ambitious, try to be soft with yourself!.

The Waterfall – For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

Mars’ retrogression affects you from within. Now and until May 20th there’s a lot of energy running in your blood but it lacks the ability to get out and into action. This energy makes you very nervous without knowing why. You might feel ambitious, really eager to do something and frustrated about not being able to accomplish your tasks. This is the time not to be ambitious. This is the time to be much softer with yourself and make do with what is possible.







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