
Mayan Astrology – A chapter from Karni’s new book!




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You are wearing your brown, soft, long jaguar-skin robe. The eagle’s feather on your head enhances your mental abilities and allows you to connect to a wider consciousness. Steam from your herbal potion slowly rises from the wooden healing bowl, giving a spiritual mist.  You are an ancient Mayan priest and the ceremony is about to begin.

You stand in front of the big, terraced, pyramid that represents time and the cosmic order. Only the most sacred ceremonies are held on top of it. The people, tens of thousands that have gathered for the occasion, are all standing quietly in front of the pyramid, but you are the only one allowed to climb to the top.

You measure your moves carefully and begin to climb up the sacred stairs.

Every step of the pyramid connects you to your ancestors’ ancient knowledge.

At the bottom part of the pyramid you connect to the most basic, fundamental and crucial knowledge; the instinct; the connection to Mother Earth. This is the knowledge that has always been and will be a part of our natural life as part of our body’s abilities and responses, as we are part of mighty nature.

With every other step more ancestors’ spirits join you on your journey. You are enhanced with more knowledge, more awareness.

As you move up the pyramid you can feel your awareness expanding. You look around you and realize you see a wider panorama now. And from the bird’s eye view you have now, your people seem small. You perceive them as a certain point of the distant past in the ongoing sequences of events and people and their journey of growing awareness. And your own awareness continues to expand.

You are moving towards the top of the pyramid. You do not feel your own individuality any more. Nothing about you is personal. You are an expanded awareness that integrates all the knowledge and evolution humans have been and will go through.

Your awareness can now encompass the totality of Earth: the planets and animals, humankind – all working as one breathing organ, wanting to evolve.

Slowly a higher awareness companions you as you perceive Earth as part of the solar system family, and you can now connect to each planet’s frequency and style: Mother Earth’s brothers and sisters here to assist her on her journey.

As you continue upwards you can see that the planets work together as a system in perfect companionship, where each has its special part, all revolving around a more significant cause and radiation – which is the Father Sun.

Further up the pyramid you can register the Sun itself, with all its children around it, as part of a galaxy at the point where a specific planet, even Earth, makes no difference, and only the whole ensemble now shines with its kin of other suns, all united in a galactic dance revolving around an even higher cause.

In slow steps, all hesitations and fears gone now, you find yourself at the platform at the top of the stairs. You cannot see people anymore. You cannot even see the steps you have just climbed. You are one with the skies. There are no more steps to climb, but the journey is not yet over.

Your people cannot see it from where they are. You know that for them it appears as though you have reached the highest level possible. But the upwards movement cannot stop for you. Your awareness leaves your body and you now connect to something even more vast and wide that you cannot even name.


* * *

The Mayan tradition is the ancient tradition of Central America (600 BC). Its origins are even more ancient, derived from the Aztec culture that preceded it. The remains of the Mayan culture can be seen today in the great temples shaped as terraced pyramids and the beautiful cities that have been partially preserved in Central America and in the very progressive mathematical scripts and astrological system, and in prophecies that have been preserved until today.

The descendants of the Maya preserve their tradition in various places across Central America, in countries such as Mexico and Guatemala. Today when we try to research the Mayan tradition it is difficult to separate the strands of legend, new-age overlay and academic interpretation. Nevertheless there is something there…

The Mayan people had extremely precise astrological forecasts and an ability to predict astronomical events forward and backwards in time. Its accuracy is difficult to understand from the perspective of now, especially as it was done without any of today’s technology.

For the Mayans, astrology and astronomy were inseparable from their religion and way of life.

Their temples symbolize the ages of time – from the lowest terrace that symbolize the earliest age into the future – the top terrace.

According to the Mayans the world consists of nine ages. The earliest, most ancient age was the longest and most extended one, and as time moved forward the ages became shorter and faster. According to the Mayans the ages rely on each other. Each age has a purpose and a meaning.

In each age humans have to gather an insight or accomplish a certain mission. The ages are stepping stones and building blocks on the way to reach the keystone, in other words the last age which is, as the Mayans had foreseen ages ago, the one we are living in now.

The Mayan believed that there are three sources of energy in the world: the sun, the moon and the center of the galaxy. They used a complex set of calendars and almanacs to follow the movement of the moon, planets and stars. Their calendars were not one-tracked as ours, as we use either lunar or solar calendars today. They had no problem tracking a few calendars at once, using the movement of some specific celestial bodies they saw as important.

Venus was very significant to them, as they tracked its cycles and the times when the planet was observed as the evening star in the west, and at other times as the morning star in the east.

Another important star in Mayan astrology is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, part of the Canis Major constellation – the dog that accompanies the giant Orion.

They also followed the movements of the Sun and the Moon.

The two main cycles of the Maya – the year of Venus (260 days) and the year of the sun (365 days), coincide every 52 years. So, as the 52 weeks of the year create a complete cycle, so did 52 years for them mark a completion and a significant time period.

The first day in the Mayan year was determined according to Sirius’ position relative to the Sun. This is an amazing fact if one thinks of it, because it says that their year was not solar or lunar like ours, but star-oriented, like the Egyptians’.

There are more elements in Mayan astrology that are unknown to conventional astrology, such as sacred animals and different beings connected to the planets and stars – all part of their holistic astronomical worldview.

Mayan pyramids were also devices to measure the different calendars and clocks. Their terraces were built in a way that represents the three-dimensional galaxy and the scope of time.

The orientation of the pyramids indicated the direction of movement of particular stars and planets in the sky. Different stars and planets could be and actually are still seen moving over the pyramids from east to west during the night, and on a specific day of the year it was possible to see Sirius from one specific hole in the pyramid, at a specific hour. When that happened a new year was announced.

The astrological predictions of the Maya continued until a specific point in their future, which is calculated to be around our time. We all heard about the “2012 end of the world predictions” that luckily did not happen. However, the Mayan calendar and the structure of the pyramids as an escalating-time-scale points to our own time, which for them was the top of the pyramid, or the “end of the calendar”. The Mayan knew this would be a unique and fast time that would mark a sharp shift in history: a time of change, of shift into a new period.

According to Mayan predictions, a special phenomenon will occur around our time, in which the Earth’s position will be aligned with that of the Sun and the center of the galaxy. This phenomenon occurs only once every 26,000 years, meaning at the end of 500 cycles of 52 years. This is also the numbers of years to complete the bigger cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes, the time it takes for a full cycle of all 12 constellations of the zodiac to appear behind the Sun on the equinox day of March 21st. But that does not mean we should prepare for doomsday, as this was never how the Mayans saw the future.

The Mayan perceived this time of perfect alignment with the center of the galaxy as a time in which a new energy will enter the world and will open up a possibility of an octave leap.

The Mayan elders talk about a very positive spiritual process followed by a real change in the world. A change that has been needed for a long time now, but definitely not “the end of time”.

People have a great fear of change. Sometimes the fear is so great that a person would prefer to repeat the same mistake over and over rather than admit that the situation requires change. The idea that our future could be significantly different from what we know today might be frightening if we are afraid of change. It can also be wonderful to those who embrace the future, allowing what is no longer needed from the past to dissolve away.


So if we believe the Mayan predictions for one moment (and why not believe it? They were so right in many things), and if we appreciate the way they understood time as moving more and more quickly just as the terraces of the pyramid get smaller, or more concentrated towards the top, then we can cherish and appreciate the time that we are living in.

Instead of taking everything for granted, instead of letting the days go by, it is a challenging thought that the Mayan people looked forward towards this time in which we live, a time they had been looking forward to for thousands of years.

We might recognize and acknowledge that this ancient people with impressive abilities of prediction thought of this time as one of significant change, one towards which the whole creation was focused.

What would a Mayan priest do if he was born again in this time, the time he and his ancestors dreamed of?




About astrology in different cultures and ages, and its weave into the astrology of the future


If you know you’d like to purchase the book – please email us at astro.machon@gmail.com

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