
Change – But not Radically


These days the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus are creating a harmonious triangle in the skies. The Sun and Jupiter give their light (sun) and blessing (Jupiter) to the changes (Uranus) we want to create in our lives. This is a great time for originality and for proceeding with our unique creations out into the world. It is a great time for new beginnings and for change.


Yet – there is also a red-letter warning in the skies, as Uranus (change) is also disharmonious to Pluto (extremes). This situation reminds us of a very basic rule: it is great to make changes and celebrate our originality, as long as we do not go to extremes and act radically.

So – may we have a great creative and initiative time, and yet – may we find the inner balance that will tell us when it is time to stop…

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