
2014 Special Yearly Forecast

The Lake – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

After some years of changes and revolutions 2014 would be the year of re-finding your selves. The challenge will be to find the right balance between staying creative and finding a new inner, healthy and stable core.

Till June you’ll find that family matters have a special blessing. It is a good time to expand the family, if this is  your plan. The second half of the year, from June onwards, would be about expanding the circle of friends, and refreshing the thoughts by meeting new ideas and getting involved in exciting conversations. From June those who work in marketing or lecturing will have a great and successful time doing their job. Poets and writers are up for great success!


The Flame – Yearly Forecast or those Born Between April 13 – May 13

The first six months of 2014 will put a good focus on your social life. You will enjoy good conversations and spend lots of time with friends. Your circle of friends will expand and there will be a nice flow of new ideas. March-June are good and successful months for writers, poets, lecturers and advertisers. It will also be a good time to market your business (if you have one) and let more people know about it.

The rest of the year, June onwards, will be more introverted. This would be the time to give your family the attention it needs and get closer to your emotions as you enjoy life’s little things.

Concerning love and relationships – this is a special year of many lessons and challenges that will lead to getting more committed and serious about love-matters.


The Key – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

2014 is about to establish your Earth element in a most positive way. Money matters will be successful March to June, and so will matters of property and real estate. You are learning how to maintain your assets and take better care of your physical belongings, as well as your body. It is important to give the time and attention to health issues, finding the root of things and working on the proper kind of healing. Trying to maintain a diet January to March will be difficult!

June onwards are lighter, easier months with an emphasis on friends and good conversations.


Exchange – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

January till June lucky planet Jupiter is travelling in your astrological realm, blessing you with luck, success and many new beginnings. Especially March to June will be good months to go out into the world,  with lucky coincidences and doors opening. June onwards you will find yourself in a more grounded time in which you need to start establishing the foundations, act responsibly and invest time and money in what is important for your life.

You will find 2014 to be a time of growing up and becoming more responsible and committed towards your decisions and aims. As you grow you will slowly build your confidence and charisma.


Giving – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

January till Junes are about taking time for you; time to look inside and time for an inner-checking. Things that been in the subconscious might pop up to the surface as you learn about yourself and your emotions. You will also learn about your family and find a new world opening up for you as a parent through better understanding of your own childhood.

June onwards will be a good time to come back to the joys of life, re-building your confidence, taking the time to do what you love to do and just enjoy life and being alive!

In June, Jupiter, planet of luck and success will enter your astrological realm,in  which it will travel for a whole year, bringing in new energy, unclogging things that have been stuck for years and opening a brand new page!


The Swan – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between August 16 – September 15

The first 6 months of 2014 are a time to go forward with your vocation and destiny. A time for taking the right steps that will enable you to be in touch with more people, touching more people’s lives. This is a time of the wind at your back that helps you climb the mountain of fulfillment.

The other 6 months are going to be more introverted – so plan doing all your projects in the first half of the year, especially March – June.

In 2014 you will also go through a journey of learning and growing up and everything to do with communication and socializing.


Abundance – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

The first half of 2014, and especially March-June, are good months for working hard and advancing your career. You might feel there’s an over-flow of work, but the amount of work to do is accompanied with success. This will be the time to start a new job if you are looking for one, or even begin a brand new career.

June onwards would be a time to go forward with your vocation and destiny. A time to taking the right steps that will enable you to be in touch with more people, touching more people’s lives. This is a time of the wind at your back that helps climb the mountain of fulfillment.

Keep in mind 2014 ends a period of two and a half difficult years financially and there is a need to ‘tighten the belt”. The good news is that together with the economical constraints you will find that you are getting more mature, responsible and even stable in the way you handle your finances. 2015 would be much better financially!


Creation – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

Saturn, lord of the Karma, is spending its last year out of two and a half in your astrological realm. In  2013,  this last year, you have mainly felt it’s constraints and the struggles it brought. But from now and onwards, Saturn actually enables you healing and a possibility to build yourself in a stable way. You will feel stronger and more mature, you will know what your principles and values are and you will stick to them. And if things get “too serious” March-June would be a wonderful time to go on a trip or a little vacation, or just spend time in nature…


The Gate – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

After a long period of changes and some shocks you are now entering a time of healing that will allow you to feel stability again in your life. Things to do with money and property are now starting on a better course and even your body feels steadier. It seems that the needed changes were done, and 2014 is the time to find balance in the new system. You are learning slowly that a sense of security comes from within, and has nothing to do with outside events.


The Dolphin – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

January to June Jupiter, planet of luck and success is visiting your House of Relationships and blessing your love-life. If you are searching for a new love – this is the time to find it, and especially March-June. And if you are already in a relationship you will find it will brighten up and expand. Later on this year Jupiter’s location will help improve existing relationships but a difficult period for finding new ones.

Along with that there is a special drive that leads you towards your vocation. The path is not without challenges, and yet, you will find that you are building your charisma and becoming true teachers for others.


The Diamond – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

This is a time tol learn about the fine line of keeping your individuality and originality together and not finding yourselves too much of an outsider. In 2014 you have to stay true to yourself and yet take into account people may not always understand you. There is a special need to learn how to communicate with your surroundings.

This is also a time of healing for stress to do with finances and property. The fog that made these issues  previously unclear, is now fading.


The Waterfall – Yearly Forecast For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

In 2014 you will find out more about your spiritual abilities. You will be more in touch with your intuition and strengthen your healing powers. Something urges you to make the spiritual path a more prominent part of your life.

This is also a good year for artists – a time of inspiration, joy and creativity and maybe even a time to get your work out into the world!

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